go downhill

美 [ɡoʊ ˌdaʊnˈhɪl]英 [ɡəʊ ˌdaʊnˈhɪl]
  • 走下坡路;每况愈下
go downhillgo downhill
  1. Things started to go downhill from breakfast in the Great Hall .


  2. It was a year ago , says a long-time staff member at a caf é near the centre of the city of Wenzhou , that business started to go downhill for them and the other caf é s in their district .


  3. Economics Analysis of Student 's Start Salary Go Downhill Phenomenon


  4. We consider it a fact of life : after age 30 , everything starts to go downhill .


  5. I just love to feel the cool breeze on my face when I go downhill .


  6. This part of the town used to be fashionable , but it 's starting to go downhill .


  7. For the simple reason that without those policies we could not continue to make progress and our economy would go downhill .


  8. They began to stay away in droves and Underground Atlanta quickly began to go downhill .


  9. We still had 100 miles to go downhill on very slippery rock-hard blue ice .


  10. The result shows the braking ability can meet the driving demands when buses go downhill on some sloping hillside .


  11. Things go downhill from youth to middle age until they reach a nadir commonly known as the mid-life crisis .


  12. So I want to work out with you an example of a car which is in the mountains and which is going to go downhill .


  13. Six-character numeric passwords are password unaccept restrict dismayingly common , and the examples only go downhill from there .


  14. Some scholars hold a belief that the function of school transferring will necessarily go downhill while some others are convinced that this important function should be given more attention and be emphasized .


  15. Things only started to really go downhill when the accusations started & then maybe he started to realize that his own children could be taken away from him as a result of his actions .


  16. In order to providing enough sustained braking ability when go downhill , a combining method of using engine dynamic brake for auxiliary braking , exhaust brake and retarder is commonly used to achieve the purpose of stability .


  17. It doesn 't take a lot of time for the club to go downhill but it takes time to rebuild , and over the last two years there have been some short-term decisions which have really hurt the club .


  18. A bicycle can go fast downhill .


  19. A week or two later , the intermission is over , and things go rapidly downhill for Plesiometa .


  20. They say life begins at 40 - but according to health campaigners , that is just when everything starts to go rapidly downhill .


  21. The utility model meets the requirements of different heels when people go uphill and go downhill .
